Life Lessons from a Dedicated Father
Values and principles from a father can lay a strong foundation for a child’s character. My father, Kevin Hickman, exemplified these through life lessons that significantly impacted me. This Father’s Day, I choose to honor him by reflecting on his profound influence.
My Father’s Diligence: A Lesson for Life
Consider a man persistently working long hours, holding up to three jobs simultaneously, pushing past the boundaries of a conventional workday. That man was my father. After a grueling day at his demanding job, he took on a night shift at Walmart, restocking shelves for hours into the night. He was on a mission, a mission to provide for our family, tirelessly ensuring our needs were always met.

My father embodied the essence of hard work. It wasn’t limited to his professional duties. He believed no job was too small or beneath one’s dignity, a principle he embraced throughout his life. His actions silently taught me to value the essence of work, not the prestige it brings. I learned the importance of diligence and finding fulfillment in hard work.
Sincere Service: A Lesson from my Father
Outside of his professional commitment, my father was an icon of service, especially in our local ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Serving others wasn’t a task for him; it was a commitment he took up willingly. His motivation was his genuine desire to lend a helping hand.
He connected with less active community members in a meaningful way, forging strong bonds. Remarkably, his commitment remained even after his official church duties ended. His continued concern for these families displayed his extraordinary dedication.
His example was pivotal during my mission experiences. He taught me the value of serving with love and sincerity. His lessons helped me build meaningful connections based on mutual respect and compassion.
Lessons my Father Taught Me About Serving
One incident about my father vividly stands in my memory. After a strenuous 12-hour shift, he came home and took on a daunting task: cutting down a 30-foot pine tree that threatened a power line. With just a hand saw, he worked meticulously, branch by branch, until he brought the tree down safely.
This story encapsulates my father’s character: a humble hero always ready to serve without expecting praise or reward. His belief in doing what needs to be done, no matter the effort required, instilled in me a deep sense of dedication and selflessness.
Reframing my Father’s Image into Lessons
During my adolescence, my father and I often disagreed. Our strong personalities clashed frequently. However, as I ventured into adulthood, my perception of him began to change. Not because I realized he was right in our past disagreements, but because I saw the invaluable lessons he imparted.
Despite our differences and his lack of emotional affection, I acknowledged the positive aspects of his parenting. His principles, even if I didn’t agree with them entirely, guided me through life’s challenging terrain. I started appreciating his teachings as a compass leading me through life’s choices and decisions.
Embracing my Father’s Lessons as a Parent
Now, as a father myself, I aim to reflect the positive attributes of my father. I strive to spend quality time with my children, engaging in activities they enjoy. I also understand the importance of teaching them valuable life lessons, as my father did with me.
In contrast to my father’s approach, I make conscious efforts to express my love and affection for my children, ensuring they never question their importance in my life. I am committed to raising them to become responsible, compassionate individuals, embodying the virtues I learned from my father.
Remembering My Father’s Lessons on Father’s Day
Starting my own family made me fully appreciate my father’s influence on my life. Every decision he made, every choice he opted for, was guided by an intense love for his family. His life exemplifies hard work, selfless service, humility, and resilience – virtues that have deeply influenced my life. This Father’s Day, I honor my father, Kevin Hickman, for the unique lessons he imparted and his significant impact on my life.
One Response
I love this! Thank you for all EXPIRING words of kindness. I hoped that somewhere through out my life, i had a positive INFLUENCE on my children. I have to say it was all do to your mother. I have to say that i am the one that has been blessed, to have a wonderful wife and 5 fantastic kids who bring me honer to my legacy. I pray that all my children stay active and continue To obtain and keep the Savoir close to their hearts. I just wanted to tell you how much i am expired by your LOVE.