The Motivation Behind My Journey​

My Why How What

Embark on a deeper exploration into the driving forces behind my journey. Discover the core values that inform my every action and the goals that motivate my pursuit of progress.

Finding MY WHY

Why I Do What I Do

I’m driven by a desire to live and promote a life guided by faith, discipline, and lifelong learning. My aim is to empower others, particularly my family and those facing life’s challenges. I hope to inspire them to develop their own strong foundations and lead meaningful, fulfilled lives.

How I Plan To Achieve This


  • Love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind.
  • Engage in daily scripture reading and prayer.
  • Practice weekly fasting.
  • Consume all available spiritual material written by past and present prophets.
  • Attend the temple monthly.
  • Participate in “Come Follow Me” study every week.
  • Foster daily family scriptures and prayer.


  • Maintain a consistent routine by waking up at 4:30 AM and going to bed at 9:30 PM.
  • Engage in physical exercise twice a day.
  • Actively work on overcoming bad habits.
  • Eat healthily and aim to achieve my goal weight of 155 lbs.

Lifelong Learning:

  • Pursue higher education up to a doctorate degree.
  • Perfect my understanding of Spanish, learn Hebrew and Arabic, and then Mandarin.
  • Deepen my knowledge of human anatomy and biology.


  • Share my experiences and learnings through social media and my website.
  • Actively teach and mentor others, sharing what I’m learning along the way.
  • Seek opportunities to interact with those in need to provide support and inspiration.

What I Hope To Achieve


A strong united family unit. Kids that are knowledgeable of the gospel and sturdy in their faith. A happy and successful marriage that will be an example for everyone while also helping each other improve. A continuously growing personal faith and an improved ability to teach and share.


A healthy body that will allow me to live into old age to see the lives of my children and followers grow. A body that allows me to work long hours and still have the energy to interact with my kids and give my wife the attention she needs. Increased productivity leading to a larger impact on the world.

Lifelong Learning:

A doctorate in psychology and Spanish, MBA, bachelors in philosophy and biology/anatomy and English. Mastery of English, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, and Mandarin with basic abilities speaking Latin, German, French, Italian.


Reach the world whenever needed with 100 million followers across all social platforms. A successful mentoring platform (Morphed Mentors) aiding businesses across the country. A fully functional personal development platform (OYL) helping others apply the principles you’ve learned. Daily opportunities to instruct and inspire at least one person.
To live and promote a life guided by faith, discipline, and lifelong learning, so that I can empower others - especially my family and those facing life's challenges - to develop their own strong foundations and lead meaningful, fulfilled lives.


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